Artificial intelligence will create more jobs than it ends: Gartner

Instead of stating that the murder robots are coming to take our jobs and more, Gartner thinks AI can create half a million more jobs than it replaces by 2020.

By 2020, AI will generate 2.3 million jobs, exceeding the 1.8 million that it will remove, research firm Gartner said in a recent report.

Source: Artificial intelligence will create more jobs than it ends: Gartner

Automation, Human assistance, Conversation and more – how #AI will shape our workplaces soon

Seven ways artificial intelligence already affects our jobs, and this is of course only the beginning.

Artificial Intelligence at Work: How AI will Shape the Workplace in the Future?

Artificial Intelligence at Work: How AI will Shape the Workplace in the Future?

Source: Artificial Intelligence at Work: How AI will Shape the Workplace in the Future?